

Before you arrive:

Pre-sort your paper into the following categories:
– Cardboard and brown paper bags
– Mixed paper

Enter the Berkeley Recycling Center from Second Street

As you enter the Berkeley Recycling facility turn left towards the drop-off area.

As you enter the Berkeley Recycling facility turn left towards the drop-off area.

Find the appropriate bins for your paper recyclables in the drop-off area.

Deposit your recyclable paper in the appropriate bin.

Hard-bound books (dark blue bin on left). Cardboard and brown bags (light blue bin in center).

There are also paper drop-off bins in the Buyback area.

Paper Accepted at Berkeley Recycling

Mixed Paper

  • Newspaper
  • Phone Books
  • Magazines
  • Catalogs
  • Junk mail
  • Food packaging
  • Color paper (bags, etc)
  • Cereal boxes

Materials should be dry and and may not include strings, boxes, brown paper bags, cardboard or plastic bags. These materials are accepted at the Drop Off.

Cardboard/brown paper bags

Cardboard includes corrugated cardboard and brown paper which are purchased or accepted for drop-off.


Drop off for reuse in the special book bins. Includes both hardbound and paperback books.

The following types of paper are not accepted at Berkeley Recycling

No wax coated cardboard

Due to the wax coating on these materials they are not easily recyclable and there are not consistent markets for these recycled materials.

No milk and juice cartons

Packaging such as milk and juice cartons are not currently recyclable with mixed paper. Paper beverage cartons and aseptic packages (Tetra-pak) that include plastic or foil should go into the grey refuse bin. For more information, see our External Resources page or contact the Berkeley Transfer Station.

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