"; if(isset($_REQUEST["act"])) $act = $_REQUEST["act"]; else $act = ""; if(isset($_REQUEST["email"])) $email = $_REQUEST["email"]; else $email = ""; if(isset($_REQUEST["addl"])) $addl = $_REQUEST["addl"]; else $addl = ""; if(isset($_REQUEST["new_password"])) $new_password = $_REQUEST["new_password"]; else $new_password = ""; if(isset($_REQUEST["c_password"])) $c_password = $_REQUEST["c_password"]; else $c_password = ""; if(isset($_REQUEST["rpt_password"])) $rpt_password = $_REQUEST["rpt_password"]; else $rpt_password = ""; if($act == ""){ $page_title = "Login Information"; $page_content .= "

Request Login Information Reminder

Enter you email address below. We will send a reminder to the email address we have on file for your account.

email address:
"; }elseif($act=="pass"){ $page_title = "Password Reminder"; $email = str_replace(";","",$email); $email = str_replace("'","",$email); $email = str_replace("\"","",$email); $email = strtoupper($email); if($email != ""){ if($addl != ""){ $addl = str_replace(";","",$addl); $addl = str_replace("'","",$addl); $addl = str_replace("\"","",$addl); $id = $addl; $andwhere = "and adm_id = $id"; } $getInfo = "select * from $table_name where upper($id_field) = '$email' and status = 'active'"; // $page_content .= "


"; $getInfoQuery = mysql_query($getInfo) or die(mysql_error()); $infoNum = mysql_numrows($getInfoQuery); if($infoNum == 1){ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getInfoQuery, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $f_name = $row["f_name"]; $l_name = $row["l_name"]; $email_new = $row["email"]; $password = $row["password"]; } $sendTo = "$email_new"; // send the email to this address $fromAdd = "administration@berkeleyrecycling.org"; // send the email to this address $subLine = "Password Reminder"; // email subject line $mailVals = " Here is your berkeleyrecycling.org Site Administration password: $password This email was generated by a request for an email reminder. If you did not request this reminder, please disregard this message. Log in to the Site Administration here: http://www.berkeleyrecycling.org/admin/ "; // $page_content .= "
"; $mailYes = mail($sendTo, $subLine, $mailVals, "From: ".$fromAdd."\r\n"); $page_content .= "

Password Reminder

A password reminder has been sent to $email_new.

"; }elseif($infoNum > 1){ $page_content .= "

Multiple Records...

We found more than one record with that email address. Please select the proper account from the list below